Operations planning seminar 2018

Operations planning seminar 2018 (OPSEM 18) will be conducted on 22-24 May 2018 at the Swedish Armed Forces International Centre. OPSEM is an arena where experienced, long term horizon operations planners and teachers centred on the Nordic countries can network, discuss and enhance own knowledge of NATO Operations Planning Process (OPP) on the Military Strategic and Operational Level.

OP SEM, Operations Planning Seminar 2018 at SWEDINT
OP SEM, Operations Planning Seminar 2018 at SWEDINT
Photo: Thorsten Hagelberg, SwAF SWEDINT

OPSEM is a seminar for experts, where knowledge of the OPP is a requirement. Typically, the participants will represent a strategic/joint/single service HQ; a NATO Partnership Education and Training Centre or a Command and Staff College.

“The seminar is an arena where experienced planners and teachers will meet to discuss and exchange views on NATO’s Operations Planning Process, with the aim to enhance individual competence”, says Seminar Director LtCol Pål Straete. “2018 is the kick off year, and this is an activity that will happen annually in Sweden, in close coordination with Allied Command Operations and Allied Command Transformation.”

Selected speakers from NATO HQ, NATO Command Structure, NATO School and other entities will present experiences related to collaboration among levels, status of guiding documents and share how parts of the OPP are conducted in the respective HQs. Syndicate work will seek to identify recommended ”Best Practises” related to different steps in the OPP and thereby bring the participants into a situation where they are better suited to lead, contribute to and/or teach operations planning.

The OPSEM is planned to be an annual activity focusing on topics related to the NATO Operations Planning Procedure.