CAPT(N) Scott Butler, Commandant NATO School Oberammergau; Dr.JaroslawSkonieczka, Senior Director for Integration, Partnerships and Cooperation, NATO International Staff (IS); BGEN Ivan Caruso, Deputy Director for Cooperation and Regional Security, NATO International Military Staff (IMS); and COL Hans Bühl, Deputy Supreme Allied Command Transformation Representative Europe.
Photo: Capt Sebastian Lucht, NATO School Oberammergau
LTCDR Harry Jaantola, SWEDINT; HE Ambassador Veronika Wand-Danielsson, Mission of Sweden to NATO; Ms Li Hammar, NCGM; COL Lena Persson Herlitz, CO SWEDINT; CDR Jan Dunmurray, CO NCGM.
Photo: Capt Sebastian Lucht, NATO School Oberammergau
The PTECs provides to NATO an Education and Training (E&T) platform which fulfils several areas of expertise, and therefore contributes to NATOs operational requirements and need of well performing staff officers and civilians. Every PTEC has its own area of interest and expertise, but in line with the new quality assurance concept for NATO E&T, it is a required that PTECs have common international standards for delivering courses. This also demands a closer cooperation and sharing of competence and resources between PTECs. The Marketplace offers a great opportunity to introduce new courses and cooperation within NATO and the PTEC network.
The Marketplace days was officially opened by Dr.JaroslawSkonieczka, Senior Director for Integration, Partnerships and Cooperation, NATO International Staff (IS), BGEN Ivan Caruso, Deputy Director for Cooperation and Regional Security, NATO International Military Staff (IMS),CAPT(N) Scott Butler, Commandant Nato School Oberammergau and COL Hans Bühl, Deputy Supreme Allied Command Transformation Representative Europe.
The SWEDINT booth was of great interest by the frequent visitors throughout the exhibition, giving information about the SWEDINT courses, offering course catalogues and gifts (still a must to have!).Of special interest was the Nordic Centre for Gender in Military Operation (NCGM), also represented at the SWEDINT booth. The NCGM is the Department Head (DH) for NATO Gender, and as such one main responsibility for NCGM is to ensure that Education, Training and Exercises (ET&E) are in line with NATO operational requirements and standards. Visitors frequently had questions about possible support within this area
Recently SWEDINT has been awarded the NATO Quality Assurance Unconditional Accreditation for its efforts to produce the highest quality NATO education and training, which was displayed at the booth;this QA Accreditation is in line with SWEDINT Mission, to be:
”A leading competence centre for Peace Support Operations, characterised by integrated education and training of individuals in a comprehensive international operation and environment including Gender in Military Operations.”
The process forachieving the QA Accreditation has been a very fruitful for SWEDINT own development, and hopefully SWEDINT can be of help for other PTECs and encourage them to go through the process towards their own accreditation.
LtCdr Harry Jaantola