From November 2021, Sweden will man the position as commander in the special forces operation Task Force Takuba in Mali.
Photo: EMA French Armed Forces
"We can confirm that we’ve accepted the request to man the position as commander of the French-led, multi-national special forces unit Task Force Takuba in Mali. This is a clear example of the excellent French-Swedish cooperation in the ongoing mission and the confidence our personnel has managed to build while working together with the French unit”, says Brigadier-General Anders Löfberg, Commander Special Operations Command.
In 2020, the Swedish parliament decided to contribute a Swedish armed unit for one year, for participation in the multi-national Special Forces operation Task Force Takuba in Mali and Niger. The Swedish unit was deployed in February 2021. It is a heli-borne task force that can be employed in unforeseen circumstances. The main tasks of the unit are advising, assisting and accompanying the Malian units.
Sweden is heavily involved in Mali and the Special Forces operation is one of three operations in Mali in which Sweden participates. The two other operations are UN mission MINUSMA and EU mission EUTM Mali.