On 25 May, the FS 40 landed at Jönköping airport.
Photo: Swedish Armed Forces
The passenger aircraft carrying FS 40 was escorted by two JAS Gripen fighter aircraft.
Photo: Swedish Armed Forces
The last of the Swedish troops have left Afghanistan and that marks the end of the twenty year-long operation
Photo: Swedish Armed Forces
The final flight from the operation in Afghanistan was escorted by the Air Force.
Photo: Swedish Armed Forces/Air Force
On 27 May is the decorating ceremony at Göta Engineers for the FS 40.
Photo: Viktoria Szakacs/Swedish Armed Forces
“I welcome the FS 40 unit back home and thank them for their service, just as I thank all other Swedish troops that have served in Afghanistan, enabling a positive development to take place in the country,” says Chief of Joint Operations Lieutenant General Michael Claesson.
In the years that Swedish troops have been on site, the Afghan defence forces’ capability to autonomously manage the security in the country has increased. Swedish troops have trained, mentored and cooperated with the Afghan forces.
“The operation in Afghanistan has been one of the most extensive international missions ever. And it has come at a high price. Five Swedish soldiers were killed in action and 24 were injured, some have suffered life-long injuries”, says Lieutenant General Michael Claesson.
FS 40, the last unit to serve in the operation in Afghanistan, will now be disarmed, and on 27 May there is a decoration ceremony at Göta Engineers Regiment in the presence of Supreme Commander General Micael Bydén.